Nowadays, teaching speaking has become increasingly important since English has been regarded as a language for international communication. In addition, the demand for teaching speaking in EFL countries like in Indonesia has been increasing as there are a large number of students who want to learn English for communicative purposes (Widiati & Cahyono, 2006). However, English teachers in Indonesia rarely promote speaking skill in the class as they attempt to focus teaching other skills which are tested in the national examination. Due to this condition, the speaking proficiency among secondary students is simply low and they do not completely engage in speaking activity since their English teachers employ monotonous activities such as drilling, Grammar Translation Method, translation and so forth (Widiati & Cahyono, 2006). Moreover, the speaking activities which the teachers apply do not represent meaningful and communicative activities in which the students can use English communicatively and meaningfully. Basically, one of the principles in teaching English is promoting activities which encourage the students to use the target language 'communicatively, meaningfully as well as effectively' (Luchini, 2004, as cited in Yen, Hou & Chang, 2015). Hence, a task-based approach particularly using a role-play is a response to the demand to provide the optimal conditions for Indonesia's junior high school students to develop their speaking ability in a communicative and meaningful way. Role-play is regarded as a classroom activity which is suitable for realism as it provides the learners opportunities to rehearse certain activities which they will likely perform in a real life.
Author Information
Ratna Sari, Monash University, Australia
Paper Information
Conference: ACE2017
Stream: Foreign Languages Education & Applied Linguistics (including ESL/TESL/TEFL)
This paper is part of the ACE2017 Conference Proceedings (View)
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