Childhood psychological problems and psychiatric disorders may impose long term care costs to individuals and society. In 2011, prevalence of one or more psychiatric disorders among children was 13.1% in Brazil. Considering that in 2015, there were 51653 children and adolescents enrolled in preschool and basic school in Santos, Brazil, there is an estimation of 6.766 children ou adolescents that may present psychiatric disorders. According to the last demographic census carried out in 2010, 47,07% of Santos’ population live on up to two minimum wage income. Managing psychological assessment and intervention of children all in the same service and in a brief period of time, may reduce financial and time costs significantly. Universidade Paulista, a private university in Santos, requires Psychological students in their 6th and 7th terms to attend to a clinical practice internship, assessing and intervening in childhood psychological problems and psychiatric disorders. During each term, an average of 50 children and their parents are taken care of in the service. Interventive psychodiagnosis is adopted making use semi-structured interviews, diagnostic play sessions, questionnaires and projective, developmental and cognitive screening tests. Intervention is also developed since the active participation of children and families is taken into account for understanding and managing psychological issues. Orientation is also provided following the input provided by children and their parents. Interventive psychodiagnosis has been proved a useful tool for managing psychological assessment and intervention at a university clinical practice in Santos, Brazil, especially for underserved populations.
Author Information
Cristina Varanda, Universidade Paulista, Brazil
Andrea Poppe, Universidade Paulista, Brazil
Mariana Campos, Universidade Paulista, Brazil
Armando Macedo Filho, Universidade Paulista, Brazil
Paper Information
Conference: ECP2017
Stream: Psychology and Education
This paper is part of the ECP2017 Conference Proceedings (View)
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