The Needs of Sustainability Solid Waste Management in Perhentian Island, Terengganu


Perhentian Island, located in the South China Sea at the northeastern corner of Peninsular Malaysia, has been one of the favorites whose tourism activities have increased considerably. The large amount of wastes produced by tourist is a difficult problem for small islands particularly since it is typically generated over a short period, thereby often overloading existing disposal and treatment facilities. The current practice of hauling the waste to be landfilled on the mainland 21 km away is viewed by many to be uneconomical and is putting unwanted stress on the fast-shrinking landfill space. The local authority administering the island is now looking for a better way of managing this waste. Therefore, protection of the environment from pollution is extremely important in small island, since aside from other reasons that are common to all countries, two important industries, tourism and fisheries, depend on a pristine environment. This paper overview the current waste management plans of Perhentian Island in Malaysia and the problems that are being encountered, both by local municipal and chalet owners and its effectiveness. The purposes of this study is to investigate the collection system and handling of solid waste in Perhentian Island. The study outline strategy laid out to improve the current waste management plan such as focusing and going back to composting and recycling method which is seen as more economical and environmental friendly

Author Information
Siti Aisyah Saat, University Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia

Paper Information
Conference: ECSEE2017
Stream: Environmental Sustainability & Human Consumption: Waste

This paper is part of the ECSEE2017 Conference Proceedings (View)
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