Investment potential is one of the key assets of the city that are used to develop the local economy. Hence, cities compete against each other in a global market to attract investments. They use many sophisticated marketing tools, both offline and online. However, currently, the influence of the Internet channels of communication, including social media, on everyday life and work is bigger and bigger. Accordingly, the online sources of information about the city play a very important role in the decision-making process regarding choosing the proper location for the investment. Therefore, the inward investment promotion websites of four leading European cities concerning the foreign direct investment strategy (fDi Magazine: European Cities and Regions of the Future 2016/17): Barcelona, Manchester, Wrocław, and Lublin, were analysed comparatively using modified Website Attributive Evaluation System. The purpose of the research was to identify common features of these websites and to indicate the crucial information that must be communicated towards potential investors and business analysts to draw their attention, thereby increase the chance of the city to be chosen as the investment location. The analysis showed that all four cities’ websites are, apart from the significant differences in graphic layout, very similar concerning presented content. Moreover, the comparable approach to communication with investors is clearly visible. Assuming the cities’ expertise in investor service, proven by the highest positions in the strategy for attracting investors rankings, it indicates that it could be possible to design perfectly transferable scheme of the city’s inward investment promotion website.
Author Information
Krzysztof Raganowicz, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland
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Conference: CITY2017
Stream: Economics and Business Studies
This paper is part of the CITY2017 Conference Proceedings (View)
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