“Hear! Hear!”: Effective Business Language Practices to Stimulate Lively Classroom Discussions


Many English language teachers believe that formal meeting is an important skill when acquiring business English. However, many instructors find it challenging to prepare student to truly engage in meaningful and focused discussions. Helping students implement formal meeting skill such as taking turns to speak and understand the correct use of discussion phrases such as "Hear! Hear!" can be a long and difficult process. Through demonstrating two discussion card games, this presentation aims to share ideas on how to address the above-mentioned problem and other problems such as having to accommodate dominating students, and students who have a lack of willingness to produce specific language. The presenter will explain the design and implementation of the activities, and discuss their actual classroom experience. These activities range from intermediate to advanced, with a focus on business meeting language. Then, participants will brainstorm other possible benefits and drawbacks of this approach and other ideas for further development.

Author Information
Hilda Hio Fong Fok, Institute for Tourism Studies, Macao
Doris Ka I Ip, Institute for Tourism Studies, Macao

Paper Information
Conference: ECLL2017
Stream: Gaming and Simulation

This paper is part of the ECLL2017 Conference Proceedings (View)
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Posted by James Alexander Gordon