With the increased number of psychological problems in workplace within Thailand, it becomes necessary to find ways to enhance psychological well-being for workers. One such way was to identify psychological ingredients that contribute to psychological well-being. Such attempts remained very limited in Thailand, however. This research study hence aimed to establish relationships among psychological well-being, mindfulness, cognitive reappraisal and emotional suppression. Data was collected in 150 Thai individuals who had been a worker in originations or companies (age 20 – 60 years). Participants responded to relevant measures. Multiple Regression Analysis was conducted. Findings suggested that mindfulness, cognitive reappraisal and emotional suppression together significantly predictedpsychological well-being (38.5%, p < .001). Findings were discussed in terms of research contribution and clinical implication in worker’s psychological well-being enhancement.
Author Information
Tao Saengwan, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
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