A Case Study on How the Philosophy of Environment Adjustment of I-Ching Feng-Shui of Chinese Culture Impacts the University’s Performance


In 1990s, the educational market is growing rapidly in Taiwan. However, with the dropping of fertility rate and the school-age population, schools had experienced a shortage of enrollment, which was a daunting challenge to education industry. Hence, this paper adopts the case study method by using 167 universities in Taiwan as the population and the number of students in the university as the statistic variables for the management performance. The period of calculation is 16 years in total, which begins from 2000 to 2015. The result of the research shows that the management performance of universities in Taiwan can be divided into five categories, which are - inverted V, - sustained positive growth, - sustained negative growth, - positive growth, and - stable flat. This study takes the university with the highest positive growth from the category of positive growth as the research target, examining the key factors that influence the management performance. This research finds out that in 2010 when the number of students reached the lowest number of records in history, the principle of the university adopts the philosophy of environment in Feng Shui, I-Ching in Chinese culture to adjust the campus. Afterwards, the number of students had increased for five consecutive years from 2011 to 2015, and the number of students in 2015 even reached the highest in the history record. The result of this case study allows Western management scientific education to have more understandings towards the governance of I-Ching in Chinese culture.

Author Information
Chen-Mei Li, Weixin Shengjiao College, Taiwan
Li-Yueh Chen, Weixin Shengjiao College, Taiwan

Paper Information
Conference: ACP2017
Stream: Psychology and Education

This paper is part of the ACP2017 Conference Proceedings (View)
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