Writing of the History: Ernesto Rogers Between Estrangement and Familiarity of Architectural History


Ernesto Rogers was the key figure of the post-war Italian architecture. Architect, educator, writer, editor, he was a man of a great erudition and talent. As with many intellectuals of the post - Second World War Italy, he theorized history and used somewhat eclectically sources to promote his idea of continuity as a temporal model in architecture. His theory came on one hand out of particular Italian pre-war intellectual tradition but was also based on a wide spectrum of resources such as Enzo Paci, Henry Bergson, John Dewey and Henri Focillon, among others. It found its way into writing a story of architecture in some of the work of his office, namely projects for Torre Velasca and Castello Sforzesco in Milano that we will use as case studies in this paper. Following his idea of “sensing the history” he created buildings and pieces that are in constant state of flux between what one might feel is familiar, a “true” representation of the history and, on the other hand, estrangement that comes with desire to physically embody history in the field of pre-existing environments (i.e. cities or natural environments) that was never really present. The result was the uneasiness that comes with the question of representation of history in the physical form that oscillates between history as we imagine it and history as source of future imagination.

Author Information
Lejla Vujicic, UNION Nikola Tesla, Serbia

Paper Information
Conference: ECAH2017
Stream: Arts - Arts Theory and Criticism

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Posted by James Alexander Gordon