This research aimed to study the relationship between diabetes self-care management and quality of life in patients with diabetes type II. 168 diabeteswere purposive recruited from extended out-patient department 1 at Phrae Hospital during January to June 2016. All participants completed three parts of questionnaires including 1) demographic data; 2) a modified Diabetes Self-care Management Questionnaire (DSMQ) originated by Andreas Schmitt (Schmitt et al 2013) and translated and modified to fit the Thai context by researchers (validity were 0.65); and 3) a modified Quality Of Life (QOL) (Diabetes-39 = D39) of diabetes originated by Gregory Boyer (Boyer, et. al., 1997) and translated into Thai and validity and reliability examined by Kanika Songraksa and Sa-nguan Lerkiatbundit (2009) (validity were 0.91). Pearson’s Correlation coefficient analysis was conducted to determine the correlation between DSMQ and QOL of diabetes.Results revealed that: 1) overall score of DSMQ indicated medium level of diabetes self-care management. The highest subscale was managing “anxiety and worry” (mean 2.70±0.49). The lowest subscale was managing “diet control” (mean 1.96±0.35). 2) For QOL, overall score of D-39 indicated good level (mean 6.58±0.41). The lowest sub-scales was “other health problems and complications” (6.34±0.89); and 3) DSM in patients with type 2 diabetes were positively correlated to their QOL (r = 0.28,p < 0.001). Conclusion and recommendations: Health care providers should promote diabetes self-management and self-care programs enhancing dietary control. Ultimate purposes covered effectiveness of diabetes self-care management and reduce and/or prevent diabetes-related complications.
Author Information
Panthiracha Fuongtong, Boromarajonani College of Nursing UdonThani, Thailand
Angkhana Rueankon, Boromarajonani College of Nursing Buddhachinaraj, Thailand
Kasorn Khongkham, Boromarajonani College of Nursing Buddhachinaraj, Thailand
Suwannee Sroisong, Boromarajonani College of Nursing Phrae, Thailand
Kunnaya Kaewtankham, Phrae Hospital, Thailand
Nilubon Nunta, Phrae Hospital, Thailand
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