One of the key global concerns for sustainability is to achieve environmental sustainability. According to earlier studies achieving environmental sustainability is attainable mainly through sustainable activities in the built environment, particularly in developing economies where not much has been achieved. Thus, this study robustly reviews the theoretical discourse that underpins Lean Construction. The potentials Lean Construction (LC) has towards advancing and for achieving environmental sustainability are highlighted and presented in this study. This is particularly important for the developing countries where construction activities contribute greatly to their development and economic growth. More so that, earlier studies have shown that the construction industry has the capacity to proffer solutions for environmental sustainability where rightly guided. Furthermore, LC has been noted to be advancement and a sustainable strategy over the traditional unsustainable construction processes and practices of the built environment. Additionally, LC has been acknowledged to manage and guide the processes of building designs, construction and practices, in order to add value and reduce waste in construction activities. The study also suggests areas of future research involving the formulation of a framework to guide design and construction activities for sustainable development.
Author Information
Evelyn Lami Ashelo Allu, Department of Architecture, University of Jos, Nigeria
Monday Chris Elimisiemon, Department of Architecture, Kaduna State University, Nigeria
Paper Information
Conference: ECSEE2017
Stream: Environmental Sustainability & Environmental Management: Atmosphere and Air
This paper is part of the ECSEE2017 Conference Proceedings (View)
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