Psychosociological Predictors of Maritime Students’ English Proficiency


Due to the differing abilities of ESL students in learning a language, many language teachers are prompted to investigate the students' proficiency in English and its relationship to some selected variables. Most of these inquiries are geared towards the uncovering of insightful facts useful in the teaching of English. This article presents a descriptive-correlation study of one of those language teacher researchers who was driven as well to unveil the relationship between the freshman maritime students' English proficiency and some psycho-sociological factors and to determine the predictors of students' proficiency in English. The psychological variables included in this study are the language learning strategies, attitude toward English language, language anxiety, and willingness to communicate. While prior grade in English, family income and exposure to media are considered as the sociological variables. Seven instruments were used in gathering the needed data. These were the English Proficiency Test, Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL), Attitude toward English Questionnaire, Language Anxiety Questionnaire, Willingness to Communicate (WTC) Survey Questionnaire, Survey Questionnaire on Students' Exposure to Media, and Students' Profile Survey Questionnaire. The results of the study revealed that the following psychosociological factors significantly predict English proficiency: (a) writing anxiety, (b) language learning strategies of 'learning with others' and 'using all mental processes', (c) prior grade in English, and (d) use of cell phone. The study recommends to the English teachers the inclusion of the said variables among the factors to consider in enhancing the teaching of English.

Author Information
Claudine Lauron Igot, Palompon Institute of Technology, Philippines

Paper Information
Conference: ACLL2016
Stream: Language education

This paper is part of the ACLL2016 Conference Proceedings (View)
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