Fairy Pitta, is a special bird that could be found in Taiwan during the summer season. Currently, we can only find their appearance in Huben area in Taiwan. In each summer season, there are many backpackers and birdwatchers all around the world traveling to Huben area to watch this bird. However, the serious outward migration in Huben area is like other villages in Taiwan, causing the lack of human resource in Eco-tourism narrator for Huben area. In addition, a lack of favorable tour guiding map for Ecotourism, causing the tourist to be confuse in the area. Therefore the tourists couldn't have positive experience without information of the Fairy Pitta Eco-tourism.This study utilize Service Experience Engineering (S.E.E) approach, combining with the knowledge of mobile technology to generate service blueprint for Mobile App of smart guide. Researcher gathered information regarding the Fairy Pitta in Huben area through various means. After the information are gathered and organized, researchers analyze the Tourist's need and motivation, and deliver important findings to generate a concept for how the guide should be designed. Once concept development was done, researcher could shape the Service Blueprint that would fit the tourist's need for eco-tourism smart guide from the concept development.This study focus on the service design approach of an eco-tourism smart guide. By observing the Service Blueprint, researchers accurately pin point the service Touch Point and understand the whole service experience. Furthermore, this study can serve as a reference for future development regarding eco-tourism and smart guide.
Author Information
Yi-Ting Chen, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (YunTech) Taiwan
Wen-Shan Chang, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (YunTech) Taiwan
Andrew Ed Kuo, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (YunTech) Taiwan
Paper Information
Conference: ACEID2016
Stream: Digital technologies and communications
This paper is part of the ACEID2016 Conference Proceedings (View)
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