Pitfalls of Enthusiasm: Questioning Our Practices – Reflecting on Our Actions


It is not accidental that by problematizing the question, we, as researchers, begin to 'learn by doing' and formulate 'what works' within our research design. If we add the dimension of different languages, countries, and research practices to our intended study, we find ourselves not only 'questioning what we do, but how we do it'. The following critique begins by situating the context of our pilot study on digital media and teaching practices in primary schools, and the ways in which through our own enthusiasm and interest, (often misguided at times), we developed our research design by 'questioning our own practices and reflecting on our actions' (Argyris and Schon, 1990). The continued negotiations of meaning and understanding which contributed to our research study are discussed as a means to 'uncover, (re)discover, and re-frame' our intentional, and unintentional means of 'learning by doing' as we address the 'pitfalls of enthusiasm in our own learning'.

Author Information
Elaine Correa, Medaille College, USA
Francesco Fabbro, University of Verona, Italy
Alberto Agosti, University of Verona, Italy

Paper Information
Conference: IICEHawaii2016
Stream: Conflicting perspectives in learning and teaching

This paper is part of the IICEHawaii2016 Conference Proceedings (View)
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Posted by James Alexander Gordon