Episodic Occurrence of Cognitive Dissonance among Nurses and Midwives in the Regional Health Units of Southern Cebu


Content Analysis: I. OBJECTIVES The purpose of this study is to explore the experience of cognitive dissonance among the catholic health workers particularly nurses and midwives employed at the regional health units of the southern part of Cebu with the end view of proposing a model explicating its onset. II. METHODOLOGY The study utilizes the descriptive method wherein the researcher conducted a survey and an interview. III. FINDINGS The findings show that job duties and responsibilities that involve actual administration of the family planning methods triggered the experience of episodes of dissonance. The onset of episodic cognitive dissonance stems from the subjects’ experience with their authoritarian parents, the perceived incongruence between the Self-Image and Ideal Self, Low Self-esteem the belief of a punitive God and ultimately a product of one’s belief systems and conscious choice. Based on the findings of the study, the researcher proposes a model on Cognitive Dissonance intended to explicate its onset and a model on episodic Cognitive Dissonance to bring balance in a man’s system. IV. CONCLUSION Based on the context of the findings of the study, it can be inferred that the experience of Cognitive Dissonance arises from having authoritarian parents, the perceived incongruence

Author Information
Laisa Monika I. Legaspi, University of San Jose Recoletos, Philippines

Paper Information
Conference: ACP2015
Stream: Qualitative/Quantitative Research in any other area of Psychology

This paper is part of the ACP2015 Conference Proceedings (View)
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