Child sexual abuse (CSA) and child sexual exploitation (CSE) are global phenomena that exist particularly in third world countries of continents like Asia. Most of these rehabilitation centers that make use of the biopsychosocial-spiritual model do not incorporate the child victim’s need for justice and vindication. And although a number of these centers allow and even support the filing of cases against the perpetrators of sexual abuse and exploitation, they have not incorporated definitive protocols that will ensure the success of the cases. And although Philippine laws underscore the competency doctrine of the child victim as the stare decisis in these cases, they similarly guarantee the constitutional right of these perpetrators to confront the child victim. This concept paper proposes the integration of the NICHD Forensic Investigative Interview Protocol to prepare the psychologists, social workers, house parents and the other stakeholders in the rehabilitation centers to ask the right questions in the right context without leading these child victims to either inflate or deflate their accounts and to prevent, as well, their possible retraumatization. Their documentations will also serve the purpose of corroborating the direct testimonies of these victims. Meanwhile, the video recorded documentations that properly observe these definitive protocols will protect these stakeholders from possible lawsuits that may arise in their improper handling of these documents. Hence, they will have very significant use to bolster the cases of abuse and exploitation on these child victims.
Author Information
Antero Rosauro V. Arias Jr., University of Santo Tomas Graduate School, Philippines
Paper Information
Conference: ACP2015
Stream: Psychology and Education
This paper is part of the ACP2015 Conference Proceedings (View)
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