Is it Cheating If Nobody’s Watching? Conflicting Beliefs about Dishonesty in Online Learning


This paper addresses part of an extensive study investigating faculty and student perceptions of academic integrity in online courses. This analysis compares the quantitative responses to the qualitative responses of a survey sent to three institutions asking 1800 faculty and students their beliefs about cheating in online courses. The conclusions drawn from this analysis of the qualitative data and a comparison to the previous analysis of the quantitative data is that faculty and students report the possibility for cheating in online courses at different rates. This phenomenon may be due to either a propensity for faculty to over report or for students to under report the extent to which cheating is occurring in online courses. Regardless, there is a conflicting belief about academic integrity between faculty and students interacting in an online course.

Author Information
Christine Piper, Clemson University, USA
Lori K. Tanner, Clemson University, USA
Richard Hartsell, University of South Carolina Upstate, USA

Paper Information
Conference: NACE2014
Stream: Higher education

This paper is part of the NACE2014 Conference Proceedings (View)
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Posted by James Alexander Gordon