Category: Philosophy – Philosophy and Culture


Using Gabriel Marcel’s Disponibilité and Creative Fidelity in Highlighting the Importance of Maintaining Marital Vows in Filipino Spousal Relationships

“Until death do us part”. This statement is one of the most famous and most striking lines that couples say during their marriage for it accentuates the life-long journey of the married couples to stay in love and faithful to one another for the rest of their lives. With this, it is a great challenge


The Angami Naga Perspective of Culture and Values in Nagaland of North-East India

Every Naga community has its own dominant oral narratives that have passed on from one generation to the other talking histories, stories, identity and culture of its people. Naga culture is defined by its rich traditions, customs and cuisines and is also known as ‘The Land of Festivals’, marked by immense beauty of its rich