Every Naga community has its own dominant oral narratives that have passed on from one generation to the other talking histories, stories, identity and culture of its people. Naga culture is defined by its rich traditions, customs and cuisines and is also known as ‘The Land of Festivals’, marked by immense beauty of its rich cultural ethnicity. One among the community are the Angami -Nagas who lived with utmost fear for God. Their ethics is defined with the belief that one can never lead a good life when God is not obeyed or pleased. This had allowed people to live in peace and harmony with a fearful relation to God. The moral code of conduct they practice is called “kenyü” or its translation “prohibition”. However, certain factors is leading to losing and forgetting its unique culture that defines the Angami-nagas. Does that mean their philosophy of life is affected? How and why they practice kenyü is dying out? This is an issue of concern. How values that have been practiced through ages are maintained even in the seemingly changing naga culture. In this paper, the researcher is trying to explore and analyze factors that are causing changes.
Author Information
Vikholienuo Kire Kire, University of Hyderabad, India
Paper Information
Conference: ACERP2019
Stream: Philosophy - Philosophy and Culture
This paper is part of the ACERP2019 Conference Proceedings (View)
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