Category: Globalisation
Forging Educational Alliances: Saudi Arabia and Japan’s Path to Excellence in Higher Education
Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 seeks to elevate educational standards through innovation and global engagement. Japan’s distinguished higher education system, known for its technological advancements and international acclaim, presents a promising avenue for partnerships with Saudi universities. This study delves into university collaborations between institutions in Saudi Arabia and Japan, examining educational policies and pertinent literature. …
The Way to Global Peace: A Buddhist Perspective
Global peace is a model of freedom, peace and pleasure among and within all nations and people. Global peace is an ideal of terrestrial non-violence by which nations keenly cooperate, either voluntary or by virtue of a system of governance that prevents conflict. The term is occasionally used to refer to a closure/end of enmity …
Africa’s Regional Internationalism and New Global Politics: In a Deeply Plural World
The paper explores a new thesis about Africa’s international relations. In the twenty-first century, Africa is being reinvented by the regional internationalism of African states constituted as the African Union (AU). The theory positions the continent as a historical international region to reveal its expanded, evolving participation in collectively reversing the continent’s marginal global position. …