The Way to Global Peace: A Buddhist Perspective


Global peace is a model of freedom, peace and pleasure among and within all nations and people. Global peace is an ideal of terrestrial non-violence by which nations keenly cooperate, either voluntary or by virtue of a system of governance that prevents conflict. The term is occasionally used to refer to a closure/end of enmity amongst all humanity. The fundamental goal of Buddhist is peace not only in the world, but also in all worlds. Many Buddhist believes that world peace can only be achieved if we first establish peace within our minds. The Buddha taught that peaceful minds lead to peaceful speech and peaceful action. If the minds of living being are at peace, the world will be at peace. Buddhism puts forward the notion that people can live in peace and harmony only if they abandon negative emotion such as anger in their minds and develop positive emotions such as love and compassion, tolerance, peaceful co-existence etc.
The key Buddhist value of ‘mettā’, ‘karunā’, ‘muditā’ , and ‘upekkhā,’ can establish a life of harmony and peace on the earth. The four noble truths of the Buddha show the path to overcome suffering caused by the wheel of Samsāra. The Buddhist way is not dependent on external authority but on personal practice and insight. If we amalgamate the Buddha’s teaching in our daily life, we will be capable to solve all our inner problems and achieve a truly peaceful mind. Without inner peace, outer peace is not possible .if we first establish peace inside our minds by schooling in spiritual paths, outer peace will come naturally. Global peace will never be achieved except we first establish peace within our own minds. We can send so-called ‘peacekeeping forces’ into areas of conflict, but peace cannot be binding from the external with guns. Only by creating peace within our mind and helping others do the same can we hope to achieve peace in this globe. The proposed research paper will be elaborate on the above-said topic

Author Information
Vivek Sharma, Jammu University, India

Paper Information
Conference: ACAH2023
Stream: Globalisation

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