Category: Frailty

The Effect of Yoga on Balance in Community-Dwelling Older Adults With Knee Osteoarthritis
This study aims to assess yoga’s potential to improve balance in older adults with knee Osteoarthritis (OA). The Hatha yoga intervention consisted of an 8-week, two 60 minutes in-person yoga sessions per week. Outcomes measured: Berg Balance Scale (BBS), Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB), Single Leg Stance (SLS), 6 Minute Walk Test (6-MWT). The yoga …

Frailty Index Study: A Challenge Study to Quantify Fatigue
Background: Frailty indices have been assessed worldwide using Index by the Fried et al. (2001). The index consists of five indicators: (1) unintentional weight loss, (2) self-reported fatigue, (3) weakness (grip strength), (4) slow walking speed, and (5) low physical activity. Of these, the self-reported fatigue index is a subjective assessment and may differ from …

Implementation of ‘My Guardian Angel’ – A Smart Wearable Device – in a Sheltered Home in Singapore
Singapore is one of the fastest ageing countries in the world, with the proportion of citizens aged 65 and above increasing from about 11% in 2012 to an estimated 25% by 2030. To tackle this ‘silver tsunami’, the 2023 Action Plan for Successful Ageing aims to empower older persons to lead healthy lives while ageing-in-place. …

The Elderly as a Technological E-excluded
Communication and Information Technologies (ICT) are part of people’s daily lives, and indeed of older adults, whose inclusion often causes trauma and, as Casamayou et al. (2017) point out, is a challenge in contemporary societies. The insertion of the elderly means a significant slowness in the process, which leads them to a tacit and explicit …

Patterns of Medication Use Before and After Fall-Related Injury in US Nursing Homes According to Facility Racial Composition
Introduction: Fall related injuries (FRIs) are sentinel events for nursing home (NH) residents and serve as an opportune time for medication review. Few studies have examined racial disparities in medication use between facilities. The objective of this study was to identify whether there are disparities in prescribing patterns of medications in NH residents following a …

Improving the Assessment and Prevention of Falls and Fractures on a Rehabilitation Ward
Background The National Steering Group and NICE provide guidelines on medical assessment and prevention of falls and fractures (1)(2). This audit assesses and compares quality of practice on an Age-Related rehabilitation ward against these guidelines. Methods A Quality improvement project, including all patients(n=31) on an off-site, Age-Related rehabilitation ward was completed. Data on falls and …

Is Paracetamol Prescribed Appropriately in Elderly Patients Admitted for a Fall? – A Geriatrician’s Perspective
Aims Paracetamol is a commonly used analgesic in older adults. There have been reports of adverse events with chronic paracetamol use even at therapeutic doses. The objective of this quality improvement activity (QIA) was to evaluate the prevalence of inappropriate paracetamol prescription in the elderly admitted for falls and to introduce strategies to reduce the …