The Disaster Risk Reduction in the COPE Floods Storybook for Children’s Awareness to COPE With Natural Disaster


Geographically Malaysia is characterized by two monsoon regimes, the Southwest Monsoon and Northeast Monsoon. The Southwest Monsoon is drier in most states, which happens from the end of May to September. The Northeast Monsoon brings heavy rainfall, mainly on the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia, from November to March. However, in December 2021, continuous heavy rainfall for two days caused heavy floods that hit an unexpected area in Klang Valley. The flood victims have suffered loss and trauma, specifically young children who considered this their first unexpected natural disaster experience a natural disaster. The events make young children resilient in overcoming their saddened loss because of the flood. Thus, this study identifies children’s readiness in early preparedness for floods and the usability of the COPE Floods storybook for children's awareness of flood disaster risk reduction. The COPE Floods storybook relays the DRR messages to children as the story's plotline relatable stories, coping tools and preparedness, which is easy to understand. The qualitative method was adopted using interviews to understand in depth how children cope with the loss and trauma caused by floods. The interview was done with children who have experienced floods. The findings indicate that children show awareness after having experienced the floods and mentioned that they could be well prepared if the floods happened again by following the DRR messages relay in the COPE Flood.

Author Information
Masayu Dzainudin, Sultan Idris Education University, Malaysia
Iylia Dayana Shamsudin, Sultan Idris Education University, Malaysia
Mazlina Che Mustafa, Sultan Idris Education University, Malaysia
Loy Chee Luen, Sultan Idris Education University, Malaysia

Paper Information
Conference: ACE2022
Stream: Educational Research

This paper is part of the ACE2022 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Dzainudin M., Shamsudin I., Mustafa M., & Luen L. (2023) The Disaster Risk Reduction in the COPE Floods Storybook for Children’s Awareness to COPE With Natural Disaster ISSN: 2186-5892 The Asian Conference on Education 2022: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 913-919)
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