Journalism Ideology in Practice at a South African Public Radio Station


The core functions of journalism form part of a certain belief system or 'ideology' concerning journalism. Most journalists and journalism educators are trained in elements of this 'belief system' and therefore they practice in the industry according to their own 'journalism ideology'. Although social media has led to more power being placed in the hands of the consumer, the traditional media still has a substantial influence on the South African society, and radio is still seen by producers and advertisers alike as the most popular medium amongst audiences. This means that the journalists creating broadcast content still wields a large amount of power. Therefore this paper will investigate one of the largest radio stations in South Africa (in terms of broadcast reach and audience size), Radio Sonder Grense (RSG) as a case study in terms of how the journalism ideology that its journalists and editors subscribe to influence the way in which they produce content for the daily news and current affairs shows. RSG is one of the eleven public radio stations of the public broadcaster, the SABC and one of only four radio stations that have a nationwide broadcast reach. At the time of writing this paper, the author had almost ten years of experience of working on a freelance base as a journalist for these programmes, and she will draw on this knowledge combined with thorough open-ended interviews with producers and journalists of the newsroom.

Author Information
Anna-Marie Jansen van Vuuren, University of Johannesburg, South Africa

Paper Information
Conference: EuroMedia2017
Stream: Broadcast Media & Globalization

This paper is part of the EuroMedia2017 Conference Proceedings (View)
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