Impact of Semiotic Analysis of Images on Students: A Case Study of Images Published in Time Magazine, Asia


The purpose of this research is to explore impact of semiotic analysis of images on students during their learning and teaching phase for which images published in TIME magazine, Asia during the period from 2014-2016 were taken as sample. Semiotics is an in-depth study of images by minutely examining their elements. The composition and construction of images were also a part of this research. This study also analyses the bias and stereotypes which are created through different images and how these biased images affect the students. Qualitative and quantitative approach was applied to conduct this research. Literary theories and questionnaires were filled up by the target population. The results found out that students are affected in a very negative way as some images conveyed immense biased effects. This research also discusses the theory of ‘US AND THEM’. Some images also conveyed the message of depravity of third world countries and the superiority of western world over them. This research would help the researchers who want to excel in the field of semiotics in order to understand the concept of composition of images and its elements. It also contains an insight into how images are used to change the mindset of our society.

Author Information
Nayer Fardows, Edwardes College Peshawar, Pakistan
Sarah Nayer, Edwardes College Peshawar, Pakistan
Shakeel Jaffar, Edwardes College Peshawr, Pakistan
Rakhil Mariam, Edwardes College Peshawar, Pakistan

Paper Information
Conference: ECE2017
Stream: Student Learning, Learner Experiences and Learner Diversity

This paper is part of the ECE2017 Conference Proceedings (View)
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    Posted by James Alexander Gordon