A critical component of L2 reading ability is reading fluency. One natural approach to L2 fluency development is to approximate the process of L1 acquisition (through exposure to large amounts of comprehensible input), by means of extensive reading (ER), whereby readers are provided with a wide selection of materials in different genres and topics graded in grammar structure and vocabulary. L2 readers are allowed to choose what they read based on their interest and reading proficiency level. Given sufficient comprehensible input, learners will automatize their word recognition skills, and foster their comprehension and ability to use a repertoire of strategies, consequently promoting their L2 acquisition.Many L2 readers, however, still struggle to obtain a sufficient level of input during a typical school language course, and moreover, lack motivation to continue L2 reading and learning after their courses end. One factor is a lack of support in helping readers develop understanding of the process and therefore develop autonomy. A poor L2 reader in extensive reading often does not know why reading speed is important, what level of books they should read, or how to deal with unknown words in text, causing them often to stop reading and use a dictionary rather than attempting to guess meaning from context. Accordingly, this presentation proposes some scaffolding to help struggling L2 readers enjoy their reading, and hopefully to become life-long readers in L2. It includes using an auditory model, repetition in reading, and teaching learners to be responsible for their own learning.
Author Information
Etsuo Taguchi, Daito Bunka University, Japan
Paper Information
Conference: ACLL2017
Stream: Language education
This paper is part of the ACLL2017 Conference Proceedings (View)
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