Problem- based learning (PBL) has been well established in medical education as an efficacious learning technique. Meanwhile, developments in computer technologies and high-fidelity patient simulators have thoroughly reformed medical education including designing problem based learning and case scenarios. Combining problem-based learning with simulation has significant potential. Key to successful implementation of this pedagogy is the use of a “good problem”. High-fidelity patient simulators were used at the end of the theoretical course in cardiovascular and respiratory physiology in the first year medical program in the medical school, national university of Singapore. High-fidelity simulation was used to design an intensive care unit case scenario as part of PBL program. It was developed to involve the students to perform procedural skills and apply biomedical knowledge/concepts to clinical decision-making during simulated emergency scenario training.Our study demonstrated that simulations can effectively serve as the “problem” in a PBL designed course. Furthermore, our study provides an example of the design and use of high-fidelity patient simulators to facilitate case study teaching and PBL of cardiopulmonary physiology and intensive care concepts. The factors that need to be considered when using a simulation exercise as a PBL problem are discussed and the limitations and directions for future research are explored. Knowing the limitations of high-fidelity patient simulators, case study and PBL designers should carefully consider the extent to which they would use high-fidelity patient simulators.
Author Information
Zakaria Almsherqi, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Paper Information
Conference: IICEHawaii2017
Stream: Technology enhanced and distance learning
This paper is part of the IICEHawaii2017 Conference Proceedings (View)
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