- ‘Art is Going to Save Us’ – The Self Perception of the Mumbai Art Sphere in Contemporary Art Galleries
- “Knowing Me – Knowing Us”: Positioning Collaborative Reflection in Establishing Inquiry Based Project Learning Approaches with Children
- “Political Fairness” in Japan: A Comparative Analysis with the US Legal Framework
- “Shanghai in the Night”: A Study of Urban Memory on Ballroom Dance Culture in Republican-Era Shanghai Cinema (1920s-1940s)
- “Warming Rock” of Japanese Cuisine
- “Zhuó Li Ji Cha” (着力即差) – An Analysis of the Concept of “Integration” in Su Sui’s Music and Painting
- “Dao” and “Brahman”: A Brief Comparison of Cultivation Beliefs in China and India
- “Mosaic Landscape” of Teaching and Learning Professional Vocabulary at English for Specific Purposes Studies at University
- “Rainforest Alliance Logo” as a Key Element of Conspiracies in the German and Slovak Language Space
- “Students Have Been Cheating With or Without AI!”: Doing What Matters Most – Designing Authentic, Critical and Meaningful Learning With AIEd
- “The House of Bernarda Alba” by F.G. Lorca: An Online Performance
- “Too Much Mushkilla”: Sociolinguistic and Cultural Challenges of Ghanaian Migrant Workers in Qatar’s Education City
- “Transfigured Reminiscence”: A Vintage Porcelain Figurine Reborn Through 3D Virtualization and Kintsugi Art
- 2nd-Grade Maritime Examination Word List: Essential Maritime Vocabulary for Reading and Translating English Texts in the 2nd-Grade Maritime Examination
- A “Design Thinking Traits” Based Study on Project-Based Pedagogies in Architectural Education in the 21st Century
- A Bag of Lexis: Lexical Approach in Blended Learning
- A Barthesian Analysis of Semiotic Practices in an Indigenous School in Taiwan – A Case of a Bunun Elementary School
- A Black Nurse Educator’s Experience with Unconscious Demotion: An Autoethnography
- A Case Study of Eco Criticism in the Visual Arts: The Work of Mabe Bethônico
- A Case Study on Duolingo Application in Vocabulary Learning Strategies Among EFL Students
- A Comparative Analysis of Public Policies for Vocational Education: Brazil and France
- A Comparative Evaluation of MOOCs and Classroom Learning in Engineering and Science in India: A MOOC Policy Assessment
- A Comparative Study of Persian Synthesized Intonation Based on Autosegmental-Metrical and PENTA Models
- A Comparative Study on Enhancing the Accuracy of Chinese Speech-to-Text in Instructional Videos Using Large Language Models
- A Comparative Study on the Implementation of Merdeka Belajar (Freedom of Learning) Curriculum at Secondary Level: Flexibilities, Complexities, and Implications
- A Comparative Study to Evaluate the Impact of Using the SOLO Taxonomy in Preparing Exam Questions
- A Comparison of Online Learning Engagement Across Cultural Backgrounds: A Study of Students at Two International Campuses Sharing the Same Curriculum
- A Comparison of Teacher Professional Identity in Indonesia and South Korea: An Analysis Based on Gender and Amount of Experience
- A Comparison of Visual Representations of Integer Operations in Middle School Mathematics Textbooks in the Turkish and United States
- A Comprehensive Synthesis and Administrative Implementation Framework for Universal Design for Learning
- A Conceptual Framework for Self-Regulated Learning and Assessment in Pre-service Teacher Education
- A Conceptualized Framework of University Students’ Perceptions of ChatGPT as a Tool for Learning and Research
- A Cross-Cultural Comparative Exploration of Serbian and Japanese Stage Traditional Folk Dance
- A Data Analysis and Interactive Visualization Approach With SPI for Initial Drought Assessment in Guanajuato, Mexico
- A Design Framework for Illustrating Malay Proverbs: Shaping Learning Modalities for Generation Alpha
- A Framework for the Exploration: Video Adaptations
- A Fresh Perspective on High School Philosophy: The Case of Cavallé’s Approach
- A Generative AI Puzzle Educational Game for Decision Making Skill Training With a Clue Exploration Mechanism
- A Hands-On Classroom Activity to Understand Organic Waste Handling With Conventional Biotechnology: Handout Nata De Orange
- A Hybrid SEM-Artificial Neural Network Study on Students’ Usage and Perceptions of ChatGPT: Exploring Academic Work Engagement
- A Look At The Current Society Through The Prism Of Absurdity, Surrealism And Black Humor: Quentin Dupieux’s Film Cases
- A Meta-Analytical Study About the Impact of Mindfulness as a Pedagogic Practice in Establishing Socio Emotional Learning Environment in Schools
- A Mirror Image of Social Justice: A Case Study of Two Midwestern (USA) Somali Teachers Share Their Perceptions in DEI
- A Model for Linguistic Landscape Management: A Case Study on National Language Development in Government Public Spaces
- A Monograph for the Teaching of Geometry and Measurement in Initial Teacher Education in South Africa: Foundation and Intermediate Phases
- A Multi-factorial Approach Towards Tackling Plagiarism: A Comparison Between Attitudes and Perceptions Towards Plagiarism at Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught Level
- A Place for “Us” to Be Weaved: A Case Study of Zainichi Korean Kindergarten in Japan
- A Preliminary Exploration on Methodology of Image-Based Narrative
- A Preliminary Study of Painting as a Balancing Influence on Body and Mind
- A Psychosocial Profile and Experiences of Children of VAW Victims: A Premise for Intervention