Intercultural Education in Europe: The Bridge Teaching Values of Cultural Diversity


The increasing number of young migrants in Europe has brought a necessity to provide a new educational system. Intercultural education has been seen by the Council of Europe and UNESCO as a solution to this issue. The educational approach has been thought not only with the intent to preserve the cultural heritage of migrant children, but also to cross-cultural borders which have risen in a multicultural society. Both institutions have also provided definitions of the new educational approach. According to UNESCO, intercultural education has the aim to promote and establish a dialogue between human beings (Guidelines for Intercultural Education, 2007). The Council of Europe in “T-KIT for Intercultural learning” defines intercultural education as “[…]an educational approach that can lead to social transformation”. Both guidelines describe the values and principles of this approach, but despite the T-KIT provides theoretical methods on teaching intercultural education, it does not provide a common practical solution. For this reason, the first part of the paper introduces four theoretical levels of intercultural teaching and skills. In the second part, theoretical methods are seen in practice by the comparison of polish and Italian intercultural approach. The aim of this comparison is to demonstrate how the socio-political situations of both countries may have influenced the development of this new educational process. As a result, this paper will show that four of the TKIT’s levels and definitions of intercultural education may not be enough to develop an efficient intercultural education in Europe.

Author Information
Iryna Rudyk, University of Padua, Italy

Paper Information
Conference: ECAH2020
Stream: Ethnicity

This paper is part of the ECAH2020 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Rudyk I. (2020) Intercultural Education in Europe: The Bridge Teaching Values of Cultural Diversity ISSN: 2188-1111 – The European Conference on Arts & Humanities 2020: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 1-6)
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