Tag: Management and Administration

An Italian Case: Students with a Foreign Background in IVET and the Access to Italian as Second Language
The article is based on a study carried out by the administration of nearly 3600 questionnaires on a sample equally distributed among Italian students and pupils with foreign origins in IVET in six Italian regions. The text examines the survey data related to the ownership and use of the Italian language and of different dialects …

Educational Policy and Management in the Equitable Allocation of School Resources: Budgetary Priorities and Funding in an American High School
The building of a budget for an educational institution requires careful consideration of budgetary priorities and of the rationale behind the priorities. School leaders also need to define in adequate detail a realistic and effective funding formula to generate revenues for an educational institution (Antolovic, 2001). The funding formula employed by the Apollo High School …

Foreign Language Homepages: Representations of Internationalization
The marketing techniques of higher education institutions (HEI) are evolving due to pressures from an administrative system that closely responds to the business ethos of competition. Currently many HEIs are in the process of internationalizing their programs, due to pressures from the economic sectors and educational policies administered from the government. However, just how a …

Racism in Canada: First Nations Education in Canada
Canada has two very different systems of education. The Constitution Act, 1982 gives responsibility for education to both the provincial/territorial and the federal government. Each system is responsible for education within their areas of constitutional responsibility.The first one is the thirteen provincial/territorial education systems. These systems have a legislative base, policies, programs & services, personnel, …

A Service Oriented Perspective in Higher Education Curriculum Evaluation
The work being done to evaluate higher education curriculum covers a wide area, but this study will focus on the service perspective, in which higher education organizations evaluate the important holistic factors in higher education curriculum evaluation. The aim of this paper is to highlight the gap between the traditional knowledge – including skills and …