Community Radio Use to Providing Knowledge of Media Literacy among the Elderly in Rural, Thailand


The consequence of attempts to radio broadcasting reform in Thailand has been delayed more than 15 years. It’s causing emptiness and establishing community radio stations without monitored almost 8,000 stations all over Thailand, which mainly produced the programs for commercial and political purposes. It does not conform to the principle of the community radio in any way. Until 2011 Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission has been attempted to organize them. There are only 2,312 stations that have been registered and licensed. Moreover, the problem, which is difficult to control is the contents. It revealed the main content in community radio is remains focused on selling and advertising products especially medicines foods health products by exaggerating its qualities. According to The Food and Drug Administration’s survey in 2006-2009 found that business sector has been increase advertise budget on alternative media including community radio up to 1.7 billion THB/year because the community radio is a key tool for advertise those products which targeted to elderly in rural areas and they are the major cause of a health risk problems some cases died because of non-standardized products from deceptive advertising. Although the elderly who were a victims and they were seen as a weakling but there are a strong elderly group in district of Chiangkham, Phayao Province in northern Thailand who rose to fight back against any content that is harmful to them by using the community radio then acting as senders and setting the content to encourage and educated people in their community about media literacy and reflective thinking and find information before deciding to buy any products. This study will describes how a group of elderly fighting back by using community radio including content analysis of their radio programs.

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Suphannee Burnell, University of Phayao, Thailand

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Conference: MediAsia2013
Stream: Media Studies

This paper is part of the MediAsia2013 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Burnell S. (1970) Community Radio Use to Providing Knowledge of Media Literacy among the Elderly in Rural, Thailand ISSN: 2186-5906 – The Asian Conference on Media & Mass Communication 2013 – Official Conference Proceedings (pp. -)
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