Globally Not Yours … The Master Discourse of Transcultural Mediation


Globally not yours …
The master discourse of transcultural mediation

Intercultural encounters, particularly between civilizationally and power-unequally related cultures, demonstrate the complexity inherent in the process of interlingual communication across cultures. This complexity stems from the carrying-over of specific cultural products (as texts) to and recuperated by receivers that have at their disposal an established system of representation and mediation with its own norms for the production and consumption of meanings (texts). This system ultimately evolves into a master discourse through which identity, belonging, similarity and difference are negotiated (mediated).
Drawing primarily on textual import (through translation as intercultural communication) from Arabic, the purpose here is to explore how a culturally defined master discourse, with its pressures affects the act of knowledge mediation: How do constraints and disciplinary demands of a socio-culturally defined master discourse animate mediation, leading along the way to the construction of certain systems of representation communicated to certain audiences? In a rapidly globalized world, a master discourse emerges as the all powerful in its hegemonic discursive norms, resulting naturally in the emergence of desperate and often violent measures from ‘other’ equally self-perceived master discourses.

Author Information
Said Faiq, American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

Paper Information
Conference: ACCS2014
Stream: Cultural Studies

This paper is part of the ACCS2014 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Faiq S. (1970) Globally Not Yours … The Master Discourse of Transcultural Mediation ISSN: 2187-4751 – The Asian Conference on Cultural Studies 2014 – Official Conference Proceedings (pp. -)
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Posted by James Alexander Gordon