The Teacher Professionalization Program of the National University of Education (UNAE) in Ecuador has been a fundamental response to the need to professionalize in-service teachers without a college degree in the field of education. The Organic Law of Intercultural Education of Ecuador from 2015 stipulated that teachers who do not meet the academic grade required may be dismissed from the educational system. Between 2017 and 2023, the program has reached a large population in ten Ecuadorian provinces and has benefited 3,725 students. The present study aims to characterize the program's student population and its sociodemographic diversity to identify the scope and relevance of its results in different dimensions such as ethnicity, georeference, gender among others. The systematization, design and analysis of databases obtained from student application and enrollment processes have revealed a notable ethnic and territorial diversity. Students from ten indigenous populations and nationalities have been identified, with around 1,500 teachers self-identifying as part of communities such as Kichwa, Shuar, Achuar, Secoya and Shiwiar, Afro-descendants, Montubios and mestizos. This ethnic inclusion highlights the program's contribution to the cultural diversity of the country that has not had access to the right to high level education. Furthermore, the analysis shows a complex and remote geographical dispersion, including areas of difficult access, which indicates a systemic exclusion from access to public education, and highlights the logistical challenges faced by the program in its work to professionalize this population. The sociodemographic study of the UNAE Teacher Professionalization Program shows the diversity of its students.
Author Information
Blasco Moscoso, National University of Education, Ecuador
Daniel Rodríguez, National University of Education, Ecuador
Rebeca Castellanos, National University of Educaction, Ecuador
Laura Terreros, National University of Education, Ecuador
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