A Psychosocial Profile and Experiences of Children of VAW Victims: A Premise for Intervention


The impact of abuse and violence on victims is a critical public health concern. Domestic violence, in particular, has profound effects on household members, especially children. Studies have revealed that children exposed to domestic violence are at a higher risk of enduring long-term challenges, like emotional instability, behavioral issues, and other psychological problems. Utilizing a descriptive research approach, we identified eleven children of VAW (Violence Against Women) victims in Bukangliwayway, Bukidnon, delving into their psychosocial profiles and experiences through projective technique tests and in-depth interviews. The psychological assessments and thematic analysis of the in-depth interview data revealed that most children were in their adolescent years, experiencing emotional imbalance, feelings of weakness, futility, poor manual skills, and lack of maturity. Children of VAW victims have weak personalities, are overly dependent, exhibit tendencies of withdrawal, and are likely to seek attention and approval. Further, children of VAW victims are likely to suffer from depression and anxiety due to witnessing domestic violence. They disclosed exposure to parental conflict from as early as five years old. During these conflicts, they often hid in corners while crying. They also feared for their safety and the safety of their mothers from the perpetrators of violence, often their fathers. The study establishes that children exposed to parental conflicts and violence experience cognitive, behavioral, emotional, and physical repercussions. The findings underscore the significant impact of domestic violence on children of VAW victims, who not only witness the violence in their homes but also become its victims.

Author Information
April Rose Buntod, Central Mindanao University, Philippines
Rudjia Faith Anino, Central Mindanao University, Philippines
Athena Jan Derayunan, Central Mindanao University, Philippines

Paper Information
Conference: KCAH2024
Stream: Sexuality

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Posted by James Alexander Gordon