In the city of Ankara, which is known to have been founded by the Phrygians in the 8th century BC, there are monumental tombs called tumulus – an element of the Phrygian burial tradition – located on natural heights in the north and west of the city following the streams. These tumuli serving also as landmarks began to disappear one by one during the urbanization of Ankara since the 1950s (Alanyalı Aral, 2017). This research aimed to integrate these invisible landmarks with the contemporary city and enable citizens to notice and experience them. In this regard, the methods of this research were first to portray today's Ankara with tumuli and the Phrygian settlement, Roman roads and milestones, streams, and topography with which tumuli are associated; then to reveal their current situations, problems, and potentials; and finally to propose possible interventions to make them visible again, using creative mapping techniques – layering and drift. To attract the attention of locals/tourists and raise awareness about these lost historical values, this study focused on the western tumuli of Ankara due to their proximity to the city center and the current city landmarks. By overlapping western tumuli and their related areas expressed in layers, an experiential route was determined to explore Ankara with tumuli. The positive/negative aspects that were uncovered while experiencing this route by walking and using public transportation, and the interventions proposed accordingly were integrated into the map as new layers, resulting in an intriguing, informative, and suggestive mapping study.
Author Information
Hatice Hilal Topuz, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Ela Alanyali Aral, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Sinan Cem Kizil, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Paper Information
Conference: BAMC2024
Stream: Architecture and Urban Studies/Design
This paper is part of the BAMC2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Topuz H., Aral E., & Kizil S. (2025) Mapping as a Medium to Re-imagine Ankara With Unlost Tumuli – Ankara With Tumuli? ISSN: 2435-9475 – The Barcelona Conference on Arts, Media & Culture 2024: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 217-231) https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2435-9475.2024.21
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2435-9475.2024.21
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