Economics of Mediated Objective Time: Filipino Digital Immigrants’ Media Choice, Gratification, and Usage


Media compete for our attention and time; regardless of age, critical credence in the evolving digital space is a must, specifically on how one’s time is spent actively or taken passive-unconsciously. This quantitative study looked at the mediated time expenditure of Filipino digital immigrants (FDI), such as Baby boomers and Generation X, to various media technologies, which are traditional, convergent, and new media. Through the lens of Uses and Gratifications Theory, the study analyzed how FDIs communicated with their mediated time through looking at their media choice, perceived obtained gratification, and media use in terms of frequency, duration, consistency, and intensity. FDI respondents in the National Capital Region are inclined to migrate towards the use of digital media technologies such as the internet and social media. Both internet and social media sites are used for a minimum of 3 to 5 hours and above on a daily basis, which is more than twice the average global media consumption of 2 hours. FDIs as social beings use their preferred media form for information seeking, communicatory utility, and information sharing purposes. The intensity in active media usage is also high even though there are instances that FDIs utilize media passively due to work, home chores, and as a passive accompaniment. Through Pearson correlation test, educational background, instead of age, correlates significantly with media usage duration and intensity. Age does not determine digital learning of an individual. Context is a crucial factor in one's digital learning through the aspects of familiarity and immediacy.

Author Information
Reyjane Calicdan-Del-Campo, Far Eastern University Manila, Philippines

Paper Information
Conference: KAMC2024
Stream: Communication

This paper is part of the KAMC2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Calicdan-Del-Campo R. (2024) Economics of Mediated Objective Time: Filipino Digital Immigrants’ Media Choice, Gratification, and Usage ISSN: 2436-0503 – The Kyoto Conference on Arts, Media & Culture 2024: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 775-789)
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