International Education: Intersectionality of Teacher Self-Efficacy and Intercultural Competence


This study aimed to explore the connections, if any, between teacher self-efficacy and how that related to their intercultural competence within an international and mixed ability setting. The research was focused specifically within international school settings, due to the potential higher frequency of intercultural populations within these schools. The purpose was to better understand the intersectionality of intercultural competence related to teacher exposures/experiences, such as awareness, knowledge, experience/skills, and attitude towards cultural differences and how that might impact classroom experiences for teachers, and overall school culture. While a subgoal was that through reflexivity, if teacher self-efficacy and the relationship it has with intercultural competence was explored, the self-evaluation of this experience within itself could influence teacher and student experiences, goals, outcomes, and success. The study was completely voluntary for in-service teachers and used mixed research methods to conduct the study and analyze the data. Researchers used a self-efficacy scale and an intercultural development inventory and combined that data with descriptive findings from semi-structured interviews with participants. All data was then analyzed utilizing categorized themes and the results concluded a positive correlation between teacher self-efficacy and intercultural competence and yielded themes of acceptance, slight rejection of home country, adaptation/embracing the new, identifying with multiple cultural identities, acknowledgement of always improving their craft, and overall teaching satisfaction. The implications of study will be reported for future research and to help inform practice for pre-service and in-service educators and educational leaders within the field.

Author Information
Julie Banfer, Touro University, United States

Paper Information
Conference: BCE2024
Stream: International Education

This paper is part of the BCE2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Banfer J. (2025) International Education: Intersectionality of Teacher Self-Efficacy and Intercultural Competence ISSN: 2435-9467 – The Barcelona Conference on Education 2024: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 769-776)
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