Investigating Mathematics Teaching Anxiety in Pre-Service Primary Education Teachers: A Case Study


Recent reports highlight a concerning increase in anxiety among university students post-pandemic, affecting two-thirds of the student body. Fernández-Rodríguez et al. (2023) found that 47.6% exhibit anxiety-related behaviors, and 21% suffer from depression across 35 Spanish universities, prompting calls for psychological support initiatives. Academic challenges are widespread, with 60% of first-year undergraduates struggling to refine study methods and 20% dissatisfied with their academic performance. Public speaking anxiety is also prevalent, with 52.8% considering psychological assistance due to severe fears. In primary education, aspiring teachers often enter with varying math skills, leading to significant gaps in foundational knowledge. Didactics of Mathematics highlights that strong content knowledge correlates with teaching proficiency, necessitating rigorous candidate selection. Addressing both math proficiency and anxiety is crucial for effective teacher preparation. Gender disparities in math anxiety affect teaching confidence, emphasizing tailored interventions. A Universitat Jaume I study on Mathematics Teaching Anxiety (MTA) used Peker’s (2006) scale, revealing no significant MTA difference based on practical training completion but notable gender differences. Women reported higher MTA scores (mean 50.29) than men (mean 46.36), with significant variations in confidence and attitudes toward teaching math. These findings stress the need for gender-specific interventions to enhance future teachers' confidence and attitudes toward teaching mathematics.

Author Information
Ana María Lluch Peris, Universitat Jaume I, Spain
Pablo Juan Verdoy., Universitat Jaume I, Spain
Gil Lorenzo Valentín, Universitat Jaume I, Spain
María Santágueda Villanueva, Universitat Jaume I, Spain

Paper Information
Conference: BCE2024
Stream: Mind

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Posted by James Alexander Gordon