The Enigma of the Recurring “Bodies” From Si Spencer’s Adaptation


Finding forensic science analogically revealing of conceptual or textual analysis, this paper investigates (punned intended) the concept of movement as enunciated by Yuk Hui’s Recursivity and Contingency by alluding to the extraordinary 2023 limited series created by Paul Tomalin, a titular adaptation of Si Spenser’s 2015 graphic novel. The title does not merely remind us of the implied investigative procedural but more importantly the notion of habeas corpus (the corpse as evidence of murder) upon which the law insists when putting homicidal cases on trial. Of key import are these research inquiries: what role does the enigmatic cadaver the four detectives discover at Whitechapel past, present and future play? How does Yuk Hui’s 2019 Recursivity and Contingency which articulates the three movements of linearity and non-linearity (tracing the systemic development from the feedback of first-order cybernetics to the recursion of second-order cybernetics) permit the allegorical working through here of the anatomical recurrences of Gabriel Defoe? Significantly the Ariadne thread that tie the mystery within the four timelines of 1890, 1941, 2023 and 2053, this thesis asserts that Tomalin’s 2023 Bodies figuratively reworks these mirror-like encounters (also the adaptive possibilities given by Spencer’s 2015 version) to evoke not just the reflexivity necessitated by analytical thought (or detective work) but also the digital co-creation promised by Web 3.0 when aesthetically examined with cinematographic postulation. Thus the Deutsch particle mentioned is arguably underscored by the shared etymology of commute and communication, with paradigmatic emphasis shifting to the computation and communication implied by Tomalin’s time machine, the Throat.

Author Information
Constance Goh, Curtin Singapore, Singapore

Paper Information
Conference: KAMC2024
Stream: Communication

This paper is part of the KAMC2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Goh C. (2024) The Enigma of the Recurring “Bodies” From Si Spencer’s Adaptation ISSN: 2436-0503 – The Kyoto Conference on Arts, Media & Culture 2024: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 745-754)
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