Transformative Design: Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Furniture Design –A Comprehensive Analysis of an Immersive Learning Experience


Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are advanced technologies in continuous development. They are already involved in different fields including Academia, for immersive and interactive learning experiences. They are mainly applied to STEM disciplines such as Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Medicine.
This qualitative study aims to examine the integration of VR and AR in an undergraduate Furniture Design course while understanding its impact on the learning experience, the design process, and active learning methodologies. Sixteen junior-level interior design students at the American University in Dubai, UAE developed a piece of furniture project and 3D printed prototype. Following research, some included VR and AR-based approaches, while others adopted typical methods. The faculty member assessed the study through a comprehensive analysis of process and outcomes, comparative evaluations, observations, interviews, literature review, and a survey. The findings indicate that the integration of advanced technologies benefits the design process. Key elements are real-time and real-based design visualizations, user experience for fast customization, human-scale projects for a better understanding of proportions and ergonomics, and the transformation of the learning experiences by creating immersive, interactive, and engaging learning environments. Moreover, VR and AR-based learning activities facilitate collaborative work and active learning; they promote creativity, and technical skills. The limitations involve technological advancements, accessibility to training, equipment, and financial issues. In conclusion, applying VR and AR in the design process supports the design itself and future designers’ abilities. A balanced adoption of these technologies in Academia leads to pioneering teaching practices linked to industry requirements.

Author Information
Annamaria Lambri, American University in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Paper Information
Conference: BCE2024
Stream: Design

This paper is part of the BCE2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Lambri A. (2025) Transformative Design: Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Furniture Design –A Comprehensive Analysis of an Immersive Learning Experience ISSN: 2435-9467 – The Barcelona Conference on Education 2024: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 527-543)
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