Forum Theatre as a Tool for Peacebuilding: Participatory Approaches to Conflict Resolution in Jos Metropolis


This study explores the application of Forum Theatre as a participatory tool for peacebuilding in Jos Metropolis, a part of Nigeria deeply affected by religious and ethnic conflict. Drawing from Augusto Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed, the research employed Forum Theatre to engage Christian and Muslim communities in co-creating and performing an "anti-model" – a dramatized scenario of violence that reflects the tensions between these groups. Through interactive performances, community members assumed the roles of spect-actors, interrupting and re-enacting scenes to suggest non-violent alternatives to conflict escalation. The study found that Forum Theatre facilitated critical reflection, encouraged dialogue, and enabled participants to collectively explore solutions to their shared challenges. Furthermore, the research highlighted the potential of theatre as a medium for conscientization, empowering participants to critically evaluate the underlying causes of conflict and their roles in perpetuating or resolving it. The study concludes that Forum Theatre holds significant promise as a tool for community-driven peacebuilding, offering an inclusive space for dialogue, emotional release, and collaborative problem-solving in conflict-prone environments.

Author Information
Aliyu Yakubu Abdulkadir, Federal University of Kashere, Nigeria

Paper Information
Conference: BAMC2024
Stream: Performing Arts Practices: Theater

This paper is part of the BAMC2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Abdulkadir A. (2025) Forum Theatre as a Tool for Peacebuilding: Participatory Approaches to Conflict Resolution in Jos Metropolis ISSN: 2435-9475 – The Barcelona Conference on Arts, Media & Culture 2024: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 123-138)
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