Atmospheric Composition and Tonal Values in Piranesi: A Study of Depth in the Carceri Series Drawings


In the Carceri´s series, Piranesi draws imaginary labyrinths of wonder and mystery. We are captivated by the dark environment, full of architectural elements, low-key lighting, strong contrasts defining staircases, bridges, tunnels and ornaments. The linear perspective, drawing these crossed paths and structures of this fictional maze, is generally defined here by two vanishing points, creating some distortion and oppressing the viewer. Using masterfully the geometrical system, Piranesi creates an overlapped complexity of distances, directions and scales. But there is another parallel system being used: the atmospheric perspective. This study dives first into an analysis of the light sources and shadows, to better understand their expressive role on the definition of the three-dimensional immersive space. A tonal analysis was then made, by the separation of dark, mid and bright tones, to present the compositional structure and pinpoint the densities and contrasts, where the tonal depths are defined and used. From the layered analysis of these receding interplaying depths, we arrive to the display of the gradual setup that defines a neoclassical atmospheric perspective, from a peripheric darkness into a dreamy hazy deep background. The atmospheric compositions drawn by Piranesi can play, therefore, a sensorial role where our senses are tested and manipulated through an illusionary immersive depicted space; but also, a narrative role, where it defines an emotional ethos of a trapped romantic spirit.

Author Information
António Pedro Bento, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Ana Leonor Madeira Rodrigues, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Shakil Y. Rahim, University of Lisbon, Portugal

Paper Information
Conference: KCAH2024
Stream: Arts - Visual Arts Practices

This paper is part of the KCAH2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Bento A., Rodrigues A., & Rahim S. (2025) Atmospheric Composition and Tonal Values in Piranesi: A Study of Depth in the Carceri Series Drawings ISSN: 2759-7571 – The Korean Conference on Arts & Humanities 2024 Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 227-241)
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