Current Trends in Teaching of Physical and Sports Education in Slovak Schools


Physical and sports education in schools represents a purposeful educational activity that contributes to increasing the physical fitness and movement performance of students, helps young people to acquire basic theoretical and practical physical education and create a positive relationship to physical activity throughout their lives. Despite its invaluable importance it faces many problems in Slovakia, e.g. children's laziness and lack of interest in movement not only during lessons but also in free time, unsatisfactory spatial and material equipment for teaching, insufficient scope of physical and sports education lessons, insufficient support from parents and family, low financial evaluation of teachers, unequal status of the subject among other teaching subjects, increasing number of non-exercising pupils and other.
The paper deals with key issues related to the teaching of physical and sports education in Slovakia. It points to the importance of physical education and building children's relationship to sports and physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle and a prerequisite for the ability to take care of one's health throughout life, and characterizes physical education and sports activities in schools in 30 European countries. It also presents the results of research into the opinions of Slovak primary and secondary school teachers of physical and sports education focused on their view of teaching and selected problems of physical and sports education in Slovakia. In the final part, recommendations are proposed for the identified most serious problems of physical and sports education and the improvement of the teaching of this subject in Slovak schools.

Author Information
Maria Luskova, University of Zilina, Slovakia

Paper Information
Conference: BCE2024
Stream: Teaching Experiences

This paper is part of the BCE2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Luskova M. (2025) Current Trends in Teaching of Physical and Sports Education in Slovak Schools ISSN: 2435-9467 – The Barcelona Conference on Education 2024: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 411-419)
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