The History of Architecture II Between Analog and Digital: Analysis of the Architecture of the Historic District of Quito, Ecuador


The good teaching practice "The History of Architecture II between analog and digital: analysis of the architecture of the historic center of Quito - Ecuador" presented a detailed study of the baroque architecture in the historic center of Quito. The objective of this work was to improve the learning process of architectural history in students, compared to results obtained in previous semesters and the degree of difficulty of the subject due to the theoretical content, effectively integrating the practice. The work was divided into four phases: First Phase master classes for understanding and questioning of the information; Second Phase field work in Quito visiting 8 emblematic churches; Third Phase elaboration of high quality analog graphic representations; and Third Phase dissemination of the project through a digital catalog presented in social networks. This practice highlighted the importance of combining theoretical learning with practical experience in architecture, as well as the relevance of high quality graphic representation in the dissemination of the results obtained in the research. The integration of these phases allowed students to acquire a deep knowledge of baroque architecture and its impact on Quito's cultural heritage.

Author Information
Franklin Cuenca Soto, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador
María Delgado Cruz, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador

Paper Information
Conference: BCE2024
Stream: Educational Research

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Posted by James Alexander Gordon