Implementation and Future Trends of the Japanese Language Teaching Programme for the Undergraduate Programme at Mongolian National University of Education


Japanese language courses have been offered in Mongolia for 48 years. According to the Japan Foundation's 2021 survey, there are 117 institutions that offer Japanese language courses in Mongolia including 23 universities, 29 secondary schools, and 65 language centers. MNUE, one of the largest educational institutions in Mongolia, began training Japanese language teachers and translators in 1998. In the 2023-2024 academic year, 89 students are majoring in Japanese Language Teaching and Japanese-English Language Teaching programmes. In this research, we aim to study and clarify the current status and future trends of the implementation of the “Japanese Language Teaching” and “Japanese-English Language Teaching” programmes within the “Teacher, Foreign Language Education” undergraduate programme at MNUE, which has been implemented since 2014. Any educational programme requires analysis for improvement. Therefore, a total of 64 first- to third-year students from the “Japanese Language Teaching” programme were asked about and analyzed for the implementation of the programme. This research analyzed the current situation related to various aspects of the programme, including programme selection, course teacher selection, independent assignments, assessment methods, textbooks, teaching methodologies, and satisfaction survey. In the end, the issues within the undergraduate programme will be summarized, and recommendations will be made for further improvement.

Author Information
Ganchimeg Ayurzana, Mongolian National University of Education, Mongolia

Paper Information
Conference: ECE2024
Stream: Higher education

This paper is part of the ECE2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Ayurzana G. (2024) Implementation and Future Trends of the Japanese Language Teaching Programme for the Undergraduate Programme at Mongolian National University of Education ISSN: 2188-1162 The European Conference on Education 2024: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 921-930)
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