Two-Level of Creation


This research explores the search for generation and appearance, focusing on the ontological and epistemological aspects derived from the interaction between contemporary Neo-Confucianism and phenomenology. Manifestation here signifies creation on two levels: one at the flowing, holistic world level and the other at the level of objects and the self. In the first section, we distinguish between Heidegger's early and late philosophical ideas by using the concepts of scene involving the self (yǒu wǒ zhī jìng) and scene not involving the self (wú wǒ zhī jìng), which are from traditional Chinese aesthetics. Specifically, a scene involving the self refers to Dasein's being in the world, while scene not involving the self refers to later Heidegger's clearing (Lichtung) and Heinrich Rombach's ecstasy (Ekstase). Furthermore, the first level of cosmic-level creation is made up of Rombach's focus on co-creation and spirit in structural phenomenology, which is linked to modern Neo-Confucian moral metaphysics and the cosmic life sentiment. The second section explores the relationship between objects and the subject, examining the boundary between Kant's phenomena and noumena, as well as the conceptual analysis of contemporary Neo-Confucianists. Using image (xiàng), a basic Chinese philosophical theory, to connect the concept with appearance, it transforms Kantian epistemological objectification into the existential appearance of Xiong Shili and Mou Zongsan, representing the creation of the relationship between the object and subject as the second layer.

Author Information
Xingdu Wang, Lancaster University, United Kingdom

Paper Information
Conference: ECAH2024
Stream: Arts - Arts Theory and Criticism

This paper is part of the ECAH2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Wang X. (2024) Two-Level of Creation ISSN: 2188-1111 – The European Conference on Arts & Humanities 2024: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 279-288)
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