Differential Reactions of Male and Female Students to the New Innovative and Flexible Learning Modality


This study endeavors to bridge a gap in the literature by examining the distinct perceptions, experiences, and outcomes of male and female students within the context of a novel, innovative, and flexible learning approach. Through a nuanced exploration of these differences, valuable insights are garnered to inform the design and implementation of educational interventions that promote inclusivity and efficacy for all students. I used a mixed-method approach in this research, which delves into the perceptions, experiences, and outcomes of male and female college students regarding the recently introduced innovative and flexible learning modality. Utilizing purposive sampling, 125 students from diverse higher education institutions in Northern Mindanao, Philippines, were thoughtfully selected to ensure representation across genders, academic standings, and willingness to participate. The survey data underwent meticulous descriptive statistics analysis to uncover patterns, trends, and disparities in perceptions and outcomes between male and female students, offering quantitative insights into the research objectives. The findings of this study shed light on generally positive perceptions of the innovative learning approach among both male and female students. Despite marginal differences in mean age, a balanced distribution across academic standing indicates equitable accessibility and appeal across various educational stages. While male students tended to report slightly higher levels of engagement, a notable proportion of female students demonstrated moderate engagement, indicative of active participation. Furthermore, both genders expressed elevated satisfaction levels with the new learning modality, with a marginal preference observed among male students. Findings underscore the importance of recognizing gender-specific preferences and experiences in educational interventions.

Author Information
Adelfa Silor, Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology, Philippines

Paper Information
Conference: KCE2024
Stream: Learning Experiences

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