How Wireless Communication Technology Connecting Muslim Society in Indonesia During COVID-19 Pandemic


The aim of this study is to learn how the transformation of wired to wireless communication technology has connected the muslim society in Indonesia. During COVID-19 pandemic, the government banned or restricted the ‘mudik’ event, a yearly cultural tradition where muslim citizens travel back to their hometowns (exodus) to visit their parents and families. With the restriction in place, muslim citizens need to find a way to stay connected with their hometowns—and one of the ways is through wireless communication technology. In this paper we will learn how wireless communication technology helps muslim society stay connected amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, by understanding the wire and wireless communication from the concept and context of communication, technology, and society.

Author Information
Nugra P. Anwar, Pelita Harapan University, Indonesia
Irwansyah, Pelita Harapan University, Indonesia

Paper Information
Conference: KCAH2024
Stream: Immigration

This paper is part of the KCAH2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Anwar N., & Irwansyah . (2025) How Wireless Communication Technology Connecting Muslim Society in Indonesia During COVID-19 Pandemic ISSN: 2759-7571 – The Korean Conference on Arts & Humanities 2024 Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 15-22)
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