This paper aims at examining intergenerational bonds in Disney and Pixar's short film La Luna (2011). More specifically, Bengtson and Schrader’s (1982) taxonomy of six dimensions of intergenerational solidarity are considered in relation to De Bono’s (1985) Six Thinking Hats as a way of pilot-testing a theory of a conflict-free mechanism against a problem-solving methodology. The empirical site of inquiry is La Luna where three representatives of three generations – a grandfather, a father, and a son – express their different worldviews leaving open the possibility of resolving in a non-conflicting manner the imbalances between them. The research question that guided the design of this study is as follows: Under which conditions may intergenerational solidarity be an animated Disney movie takeaway in the case of coming-of-age narratives? The hypothesis of this study is that although the process of literally trying out different hats on the youngest member does not interfere with his personal drive, it facilitates personal growth because of the positive affirmation he receives by his family. A screenshot analysis of the film revealed that among the conceptual dimensions of intergenerational solidarity was “affectual solidarity” (Bengtson & Roberts, 1991), which defined the final positioning of the boy’s hat when crisis struck. The study prepared the ground for perceiving the role of familist thinking in Disney’s universalist messages. In consequence, it has created the implications for generating culture-specific content for research purposes and for conveying a culture of familist discourse in the context of Disney’s impact on defining family relationships.
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Angeliki Ypsilanti, Ionian University, Greece
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Conference: KAMC2024
Stream: Film Studies
This paper is part of the KAMC2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Ypsilanti A. (2024) Intergenerational Solidarity in Pixar’s “La Luna” ISSN: 2436-0503 – The Kyoto Conference on Arts, Media & Culture 2024: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 75-83) https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2436-0503.2024.8
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2436-0503.2024.8
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