From Unsolvable Tasks to a Scorecard Approach: An Altered View on HEI Reputation Measurement


This conceptual paper addresses the strategic marketing challenge faced by Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), especially in the media or arts sector, face in measuring and monitoring their reputations. A monitoring tool, the HEI Reputation Scorecard, is presented as a solution to the ongoing debates on how to capture the construct of reputation in the context of HEIs with just one or two indicators. Therefore, the construct of HEI reputation is discussed and divided into four sub-categories which are related to the main parts of HEIs: teaching, research, transfer and administration. The main part of the paper argues for the need and the challenge of measuring HEI reputation. Based on the four sub-categories of HEI reputation, a scorecard approach to monitoring HEI reputation is developed. The anatomy of the tool, appropriate indicators and relevant procedures are outlined in detail. In addition, the process of developing a customised HEI Reputation Scorecard that takes into account different stakeholders is exemplified. The Reputation Scorecard offers several benefits to HEI management, such as a holistic assessment and a way out of the endless debate about appropriate measurement. Embedded with clear implementation recommendations, the tool has significant implications HEIs and could also serve as a contribution to the management and control of media relations. Several implications for further research and practical application are highlighted.

Author Information
Petra Morschheuser, Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University, Germany
Joern Redler, Mainz University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Paper Information
Conference: BCE2024
Stream: Higher education

This paper is part of the BCE2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Morschheuser P., & Redler J. (2025) From Unsolvable Tasks to a Scorecard Approach: An Altered View on HEI Reputation Measurement ISSN: 2435-9467 – The Barcelona Conference on Education 2024: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 43-61)
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