Enhancing Reading Comprehension Through Literature Circles: Insights from Eighth Grade Students in the UAE


Literature circles are renowned for their efficacy in fostering reading comprehension, particularly in the United States. However, their utilization remains limited in the Middle East, including the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This study aimed to assess the impact of literature circles on eighth-grade students' reading comprehension in the UAE.
Initially, a pre-test was administered to gauge students' baseline comprehension levels, revealing areas for improvement. Subsequently, teachers underwent training to implement literature circles effectively. Observations were conducted during literature circle sessions, focusing on dynamics and outcomes. The study encompassed six diverse reading genres, with assessments conducted through tests and written retellings. Results indicated a significant enhancement in students' comprehension skills across various genres following literature circle implementation. This underscores the strategy's efficacy in promoting reading comprehension among UAE eighth graders. This research highlights their potential as a versatile tool for enhancing adolescent learners' proficiency in engaging with textual material.

Author Information
Karima Almazroui, Mohamed bin Zayed University for Humanities, United Arab Emirates
Amani Saeed Dyan, Mohamed bin Zayed University for Humanities, United Arab Emirates

Paper Information
Conference: KCE2024
Stream: Teaching Experiences

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Posted by James Alexander Gordon